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Julian Assange & Wikileaks

Home Fourth Estate Julian Assange & Wikileaks
Feature series on Julian Assange, Wikileaks journalist & publisher persecuted by the US Government for publishing evidence of war crimes committed by US Forces.

A quick update on the Julian Assange story

John Shipton, Julian Assange's father. © Mark Anning photo 2020
Julian Assange is an Australian journalist, computer programmer, and founder of WikiLeaks, a non-profit organization that gained international prominence for its role in publishing...

5 Military ignored FOI requests for video of deaths

General Vincent Brooks
Part Four. Was there a cover-up of alleged war crimes by the US Military? 1EarthMedia was intrigued by the Collateral Murder video released by Julian Assange & Wikileaks, and investigated:

6 Rules of Engagement between military & civilians

Part Five. Was there a cover-up of alleged war crimes by the US Military? 1EarthMedia was intrigued by the Collateral Murder video released by Julian Assange & Wikileaks, and investigated:

3 The fix is in: Military investigation into deaths of Reuters...

Military order given by General Vincent Brookes
Part Two. Was there a cover-up of alleged war crimes by the US Military? As a former Reuters photographer, 1EarthMedia publisher Mark Anning was intrigued by the Collateral Murder video released by Julian Assange & Wikileaks, and investigated:

8 Definitions, Resources, Transcripts, Apache details

Apache helicopter AH-64E Photo credit: Boeing photo
Part 8 of our investigation into the death of Reuters cameramen in Iraq and the Wikileaks Collateral Murder leak. The series starts here and...

Amiga computers online before the internet

Debbie Harry and Andy Warhol with an Amiga computer
Before websites and the internet, the Amiga computer 'Megadisc' magazine on a 3.5 inch, 880 kilobyte floppy disk was sold by mail order and...

2003 invasion of Iraq was a ‘mistake’ based on lies

Colin Powell holds up a vial at the UN Photo: Mark Garten
“If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by Truth” - Julian Assange

2 US Military killed two Reuters photographers in Iraq

Colonel Scott R. Bleichwehl died on January 8th, 2022. He had a long career in senior Public Affairs for the U.S. Army.
Part One. Was there a cover-up of alleged war crimes by the US Military? 1EarthMedia was intrigued by the Collateral Murder video released by Julian Assange & Wikileaks, and investigated:

1 Julian Assange exposed Rules of Engagement flaws

Saeed Chmagh, right, and Namir Noor-Eldeen
As a former Reuters photographer, I felt compelled to investigate the deaths of two Reuters staff, driver Saeed Chmagh and photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen, at...

Open letter supporting Julian Assange by 63 Australian federal politicians

Julian Assange - Peter Kennard
18 September 2023 As Australian Parliamentarians, in support of our colleagues’ delegation to the United States in September 2023, we are resolutely of the...