Lola Koala is sitting high in a native tallow-wood tree inside an area to be logged in the Bulga Forest on the NSW mid-north coast. Lola says she’s not coming down until Forestry Corporation of NSW gives assurances that the trees in her area will not be logged. Here is her diary:
Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest tree-sit Diary – Day 22
29 January 2023, Sunday – Bursts of heavy fluttering noise from the forest floor, don’t know what that is, Lyre Bird mound is empty. Woke to cool fog coming up the gully to finally white out. fog below, clear above is nice. only needed sleeping bag at 2am, summer at last. time for some housekeeping, levelling sit platform (beats being tipped out of bed), shaking bark out of bedding, sweeping tent & platform.

check out Save Bulga Forest on Biripi Country 2429 on Facebook: Save Bulga Forest Today
Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest tree-sit Diary – Day 21
28 January 2023, Saturday – Another beautiful morning, sunlight filtered through thin cloud 21 degrees. overdid the climbing exercise & REALLY worked up a sweat so yes, humid. the invention of footwear broke our connection with earth. the invention of the inside toilet broke our connection with night, our appreciation of the moon and her light. having said that l am scared of the dark & the huge animals that might be hiding in it (quite possible at my place)

check out Save Bulga Forest on Biripi Country 2429 on Facebook: Save Bulga Forest Today
Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest tree-sit Diary – Day 20
27 January 2023, Friday – The clouds are building again. The thunder rolls in. Last night the lightning flashes lit the sky and I waited for the downpour that didn’t happen. Might not be so lucky today but I reckon I can stay dry.
I dreamt of a world in harmony with nature.
May we make it so.
check out Save Bulga Forest on Biripi Country 2429 on Facebook: Save Bulga Forest Today
Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest tree-sit Diary – Day 19
26 January 2023, Thursday – Survival Day
Respect to all the ancestors.
I’m back in this mighty tree. With the dawn I wonder how this land was when all the forests were mighty trees and the waters were clean. The canopy filled with millions of birds and billions of insects and colour and movement. My fervent hope is that what we are doing means there will be forests like that again in the future.

check out Save Bulga Forest on Biripi Country 2429 on Facebook: Save Bulga Forest Today
Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest tree-sit Diary – Day 16
23 January 2023, Monday – Diary diddy.
Nights curtain is withdrawn by the sun,
I see the beauty of morning,
Nested In the canopy of an OG Tallowood,
Beams of light illuminate Biripi country,
The vast perception of natural forms is a delight,
All radically alike and even unique,
Nature satisfies by It’s loveliness,
Without mixture of corporeal benefit.
The clouds are quick to consume the landscape,
As ferocious thunder follows.p

check out Save Bulga Forest on Biripi Country 2429 on Facebook: Save Bulga Forest Today
Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest tree-sit Diary – Day 15
22 January 2023, Sunday – Glorious sunrise and morning chorus.
check out Save Bulga Forest on Biripi Country 2429 on Facebook: Save Bulga Forest Today
Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest tree-sit Diary – Day 13
20 January 2023, Friday – The log trucks arrive at the same time as the dawn chorus. The wompoos and whip birds pause their song as the trucks rumble through the landscape shaking the ground. In moments when the forest feels most peaceful I catch an image — harvesters whirring, snig chains making roads and the expanse turned to a drying dust bowl.
There are few things as beautiful as a forest like this thriving… so I refuse to reduce this place to a compartment number, carbon calculation or list of threatened species. There is every reason possible — scientific, intuitive and imaginative — to protect every native forest that is still standing.
There is comfort is knowing we are not alone here. Not alone in an ecological way and not alone in our actions. The Bulga camp is another small but critical response to this extractivist system that has wreaked havoc on the earths living communities.
We are many of many across the world who know the only chance we have at a liveable future depends on our willingness to show up, push back and transform the world one direct action at a time.
This is Biripi country. This is stolen land and stolen wealth.
We will not let Forestry Corporation have the last word.

check out Save Bulga Forest on Biripi Country 2429 on Facebook: Save Bulga Forest Today,
Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest tree-sit Diary – Day 12
19 January 2023, Thursday – Another cold night up this mighty tree. Yesterday’s rain was more than predicted but my roof tarp is holding up well (thanks constructors). Heavy bank of cloud on eastern horizon at dawn but rest of sky clear. Always a huge relief to get the morning’s ablutions done without any major catastrophies – so much more important with these limited resources. Moon – late rising fingernail.

check out Save Bulga Forest on Biripi Country 2429 on Facebook: Save Bulga Forest Today,
Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest tree-sit Diary – Day 11
18 January 2023, Wednesday – I’ve been hearing an endangered Powerful Owl this morning, recorded it, wonder if this “sighting” would have any weight to help save this forest. oh, l just heard another one answer to the north. The colour green. As l look down on this forest l am seeing every possible shade except fluoro (close). l feel the “forces of destruction” ‘s frustration as the colour becomes the symbol of the fight to maintain a habitable planet. It was funny when the National (Mining) Party co-opted it for it’s electioneering. Talk about greenwashing!
Another crisp morning, cloudy with sun peeking through, gentle breeze.
Those supporters that drove by yesterday tooting their horns are a funny bunch & VERY NOISY, l like them.
I only dropped the camera once on the platform trying to film them
check out Save Bulga Forest on Biripi Country 2429 on Facebook: Save Bulga Forest Today,
Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest tree-sit Diary – Day 10
17 January 2023, Tuesday – The huge branches on this tree form complex pathways reminiscent of the home tree on Pandora (“Avatar”). l wish l had the confidence to run along them the way the Nahvi do. When the film first came out we went to see it in a big crowded cinema in 3D. When it dawned on me that the audience would just say “nice film” go home & forget about it l was inspired to get up & give a speech (VERY unlike me). What l wanted to tell everyone was “these issues are REAL. They are happening TODAY.
Indigenous people all over the world are having their land & resources stolen, their religion & culture destroyed. l can’t remember exactly what l did say but l yelled” Save Old Growth Forest” a couple of times while my partner convinced Security l was harmless. l feel a bit sorry for them now, getting up bleary eyed & a bit shell shocked only to be harangued by a looney. – Sunny dawn then solid cold mist, King Parrots having a big argument all around me.

See our story: Lola Koala’s tree-sit in Bulga Forest continues a long tradition of forestry protest
Lola Koala invites you to join the campaign to stop logging the beautiful old Bulga Forest. If you can’t come, please amplify her voice, share her posts, contact politicians, check out Save Bulga Forest on Biripi Country 2429 on Facebook, Save Bulga Forest Today, or email for more information.
Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest tree-sit Diary – Day 9
16 January 2023, Monday – The squeak of the bandicoots is the most constant noise through the night, the occasional characteristic THUMP as greater gliders land on nearby trees, the myriad of other bird calls, the painful meow of the catbird in the morning.
Forestry have finally discovered the sit.

Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest tree-sit Diary – Day 8
15 January 2023, Sunday – The tree sit is just below level of mist/cloud at dawn. There is a bird call which sounds like a woman’s cough & sigh. l was out exploring the branches when l happened to look down and saw a lyre bird doing his dance on a mound (there are heaps of lyre birds in this forest at the moment) anyway l think he might have been an interloper – another male chased him off.
WHY? Why is native forest like this still being logged? Why is there no comprehensive plantation system set up after all these years & the huge land holdings which Forestry Corp controls? Why do taxpayers fund the destruction of our forests (Forestry Corp runs at a huge loss)? Why?

See our story: Lola Koala’s tree-sit in Bulga Forest continues a long tradition of forestry protest
Lola Koala invites you to join the campaign to stop logging the beautiful old Bulga Forest. If you can’t come, please amplify her voice, share her posts, contact politicians, check out Save Bulga Forest on Biripi Country 2429 on Facebook, Save Bulga Forest Today, or email for more information.
Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest tree-sit Diary – Day 6
13 January 2023, Friday – The end of my post yesterday got lost in space. I was saying that reading the climate science reinforces the imperative to save all nature that remains as there are so few healthy eco-systems & that’s what’s needed to help right the imbalances we’re creating. It’s a joy to simply be here, away from the ‘to do’ list. I see all that’s being done to engage others in action.
At the camp people being together in nature to protect our forests may realign lives too. We are happier when we connect with others in nature for the good of all.
After a few days living up high I feel attached to my rope lifeline. I automatically slide the prusiks up & down as I move around. It’s a reminder that nature is our lifeline providing our basic needs. Just turning up is all it takes, observing and listening.
My lizard friend surprised me stretching out of a hole to catch the morning sun. I didn’t want her to be disturbed so I sat still watching. She showed me her friend on the next trunk by looking that way. Not moving much up here has made me ache. A bird song with rising pitch became music to slowly lengthen my spine as I watched Lizzy. Then I found myself singing her a silly song, she seemed less flighty so I came closer for a photo which she graced me with. I was delighted, she had so much character. Last night after dusk I heard scratching and looked up to see a possum emerging from a hollow. Then I recalled being woken in the night by a possum at my head. He’s been very polite and left my food alone. It’s wondrous to be able to see his luscious long tail swinging in the dim light as he climbs high to find his dinner.
I wish I could climb like him or fly like a kookaburra who zoomed past. All I can manage on my wobbly, sloping platform is sunset tai chi. I got stopped looking east by a mysterious pillar of light on Elands plateau, so tall and bright, like a tree trunk burning for minutes, then suddenly gone. I asked via chat what was going on and was told it’d be the phone tower reflecting the sun. So logical but I was in awe, in the mystery all around me here.
See our story: Lola Koala’s tree-sit in Bulga Forest continues a tradition of non-violent protest
Lola Koala invites you to join the campaign to stop logging the beautiful old Bulga Forest. If you can’t come, please amplify her voice, share her posts, contact politicians, check out Save Bulga Forest on Biripi Country 2429 on Facebook, Save Bulga Forest Today, or email for more information.
Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest tree-sit Diary- Day 5
12 January 2023 Thursday – I have woken up in the clouds! Still mist diffused with bird chatter. Yesterday two king parrots whizzed right by my head so fast. Their bright orange stunning after days of greens. I knew the drone was coming to get a photo so mosquitos in my ear had me reaching for the koala suit. When it did come and I hugged the tree I felt a pulse enter me & give such reassurance in its steadfastness. Nature is so with us in our battles to protect her, when you need support go hug a tree. I’ve not seen a person for 4 days now but I have a little lizard living with me in a hollow. He recharges in the afternoon sun which is the only time I can warm up too. The tree is such a great air con I need a jumper all day but I can get down to skin with the lizard. The afternoon sun is still hot. Yesterday as I sunned I was graced with a lyrebird concert for ages, I could hear him scratching way down there as his song moved through the undergrowth. So many familiar bird calls but usually from the canopy. Someone asked what kind of owl I hear dawn and dusk. Phone couldn’t capture it but its a rising long mmmm then short lower mmm, 3 times. I heard the glider again but need to learn the difference between sugar or squirrel. I naively thought I’d be on a Vipassana retreat but I didn’t factor in the phone! And I want to finish Humanity’s Moment before I land and life takes off….The predictions are dire but the saddest part for me is the huge loss of nature.

See our story: Lola Koala’s tree-sit in Bulga Forest continues a tradition of non-violent protest
Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest Tree-sit Diary- Day 4
11 January 2023 Wednesday – Woke early after 3rd night on my tree sit platform. I usually wake before dawn. I have finally recovered from the 30 metre climb up here! It must have taken an hour at least. Then with set up got to sleep 3am. I woke thinking I heard my grandson below but by the time I got out of the tent they were gone. I donned my koala suit for the drone and rolled up tarp so I could move around and see the captivating textures and shades of green. It felt a busy start. I could hear bits of the action and vehicles going by. I imagined them searching for the tree sit. Glad of koala suit in case I got found. I sat in warm morning sun on top of the tent sewing velcro off my glove onto koala head to help it stay on. Reading Humanity’s Moment with sun over canopy I got unexpectedly cold. The rocking breeze felt like a mothers embrace. All day various birds chirp. As the sun moves different trees are accentuated, some stand out as sentinels & shadows dance. Preparing for night I swept away the tallowwood bark and tied inner tent up to ridge pole so I could see into the canopy from bed. So lucky no rain or even dew up here. So glad to be awake for the dawn chorus today, an owl is hooting close by. Orange glow has gone revealing more cloud for another day in precious paradise.

See our story: Lola’s tree-sit in Bulga Forest continues a tradition of non-violent protest
Lola Koala’s Bulga Forest Tree-sit Diary- Day 3
10 January 2023 Tuesday – Lola Koala is sitting on a platform high up on a native tallow-wood tree inside an area to be logged in the Bulga Forest on the NSW mid-north coast. Lola says she’s not coming down until Forestry Corporation of NSW gives assurances that the trees in her area will not be logged.
“I’ve decided to climb and stay in this tree as long as I can, to protect this native forest from being cleared. This is an amazing forest. Old trees home to many animals, some are already threatened and endangered.
I am here so my grandkids can enjoy the same beauty and quality of life I have. I want them to see koalas, to see big trees, to experience rainforest.
We must defend what remains of our native forests. I am really concerned about climate change and to reduce the severity of a changing climate, we must protect our forests.”
Forest campaigner, Lola, said.

During the first week of protests in January 2023, logging moved to another area of the Bulga Forest which Forestry Corporation of NSW (FCNSW) said is a plantation. FCNSW did not give any assurances that the area near Lola’s tree will not be logged.
“It’s a small win but they could come back next week”
Lola said.
Lola Koala is a grandmother in her sixties and her family have lived in the Bulga area for generations. Lola is not her real name – she wants to avoid being arrested for as long as possible.
Lola Koala invites you to the Bulga Forest to join the campaign to stop logging this beautiful old forest. If you can’t come, please amplify her voice, share her posts, contact politicians, check out Save Bulga Forest on Biripi Country 2429 on Facebook, Save Bulga Forest Today, or email for more information.