Baghdad airstrike video and transcript released by Wikileaks in April 2010 entitled “Collateral Murder”
In an Al Jazeera English interview on April 19, 2010, WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange explained why WikiLeaks titled the video Collateral Murder. This quote begins at 12:22 in the interview:
“And you can see that they also deliberately target Saaed, a wounded man there on the ground, despite their earlier belief that they didn’t have the rules of engagement—that the rules of engagement did not permit them to kill Saeed when he was wounded.
When he is rescued, suddenly that belief changed. You can see in this particular image he is lying on the ground and the people in the van have been separated, but they still deliberately target him.
This is why we called it Collateral Murder. In the first example maybe it’s collateral exaggeration or incompetence when they strafe the initial gathering, this is recklessness bordering on murder, but you couldn’t say for sure that was murder. But this particular event—this is clearly murder.” – Julian Assange
Transcript of “Collateral Murder” video – Source: Wikileaks
00:03 | Okay I got it. |
00:05 | Last conversation Hotel Two-Six. |
00:09 | Roger Hotel Two-Six [Apache helicopter 1], uh, [this is] Victor Charlie Alpha. Look, do you want your Hotel Two-Two two el- |
00:14 | I got a black vehicle under target. It’s arriving right to the north of the mosque. |
00:17 | Yeah, I would like that. Over. |
00:21 | Moving south by the mosque dome. Down that road. |
00:27 | Okay we got a target fifteen coming at you. It’s a guy with a weapon. |
00:32 | Roger [acknowledged]. |
00:39 | There’s a… |
00:42 | There’s about, ah, four or five… |
00:44 | Bushmaster Six [ground control] copy [i hear you] One-Six. |
00:48 | …this location and there’s more that keep walking by and one of them has a weapon. |
00:52 | Roger received target fifteen. |
00:55 | K. |
00:57 | See all those people standing down there. |
01:06 | Stay firm. And open the courtyard. |
01:09 | Yeah roger. I just estimate there’s probably about twenty of them. |
01:13 | There’s one, yeah. |
01:15 | Oh yeah. |
01:18 | I don’t know if that’s a… |
01:19 | Hey Bushmaster element [ground forces control], copy on the one-six. |
01:21 | Thats a weapon. |
01:22 | Yeah. |
01:23 | Hotel Two-Six; Crazy Horse One-Eight [second Apache helicopter]. |
01:29 | Copy on the one-six, Bushmaster Six-Romeo. Roger. |
01:32 | Fucking prick. |
01:33 | Hotel Two-Six this is Crazy Horse One-Eight [communication between chopper 1 and chopper 2]. Have individuals with weapons. |
01:41 | Yup. He’s got a weapon too. |
01:43 | Hotel Two-Six; Crazy Horse One-Eight. Have five to six individuals with AK47s [automatic rifles]. Request permission to engage [shoot]. |
01:51 | Roger that. Uh, we have no personnel east of our position. So, uh, you are free to engage. Over. |
02:00 | All right, we’ll be engaging. |
02:02 | Roger, go ahead. |
02:03 | I’m gonna… I cant get ’em now because they’re behind that building. |
02:09 | Um, hey Bushmaster element… |
02:10 | He’s got an RPG [Rocket Propelled Grenade]? |
02:11 | All right, we got a guy with an RPG. |
02:13 | I’m gonna fire. |
02:14 | Okay. |
02:15 | No hold on. Lets come around. Behind buildings right now from our point of view. … Okay, we’re gonna come around. |
02:19 | Hotel Two-Six; have eyes on individual with RPG. Getting ready to fire. We won’t… |
02:23 | Yeah, we had a guy shoot—and now he’s behind the building. |
02:26 | God damn it. |
02:28 | Uh, negative, he was, uh, right in front of the Brad [Bradley Fighting Vehicle; an tracked Armored Personal Carrier that looks like a tank]. Uh, ’bout, there, one o’clock. [direction/orientation] |
02:34 | Haven’t seen anything since then. |
02:36 | Just fuckin’, once you get on ’em just open ’em up. |
02:38 | All right. |
02:40 | I see your element, uh, got about four Humvees [Armored cars], uh, out along… |
02:43 | You’re clear. |
02:44 | All right, firing. |
02:47 | Let me know when you’ve got them. |
02:49 | Lets shoot. |
02:50 | Light ’em all up. |
02:52 | Come on, fire! |
02:57 | Keep shoot, keep shoot. [keep shooting] |
02:59 | keep shoot. |
03:02 | keep shoot. |
03:05 | Hotel.. Bushmaster Two-Six, Bushmaster Two-Six, we need to move, time now! |
03:10 | All right, we just engaged all eight individuals. |
03:12 | Yeah, we see two birds [helicopters] and we’re still fire [not firing]. |
03:14 | Roger. |
03:15 | I got ’em. |
03:16 | Two-six, this is Two-Six, we’re mobile. |
03:19 | Oops, I’m sorry what was going on? |
03:20 | God damn it, Kyle. |
03:23 | All right, hahaha, I hit [shot] ’em… |
03:28 | Uh, you’re clear. |
03:30 | All right, I’m just trying to find targets again. |
03:38 | Bushmaster Six, this is Bushmaster Two-Six. |
03:40 | Got a bunch of bodies layin’ there. |
03:42 | All right, we got about, uh, eight individuals. |
03:46 | Yeah, we got one guy crawling around down there, but, uh, you know, we got, definitely got something. |
03:51 | We’re shooting some more. |
03:52 | Roger. |
03:56 | Hey, you shoot, I’ll talk. |
03:57 | Hotel Two-Six; Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
04:01 | Crazyhorse One-Eight; this is Hotel Two-Six. Over. |
04:03 | Roger. Currently engaging [fighting/shooting at] approximately eight individuals, uh KIA [Killed In Action], uh RPGs, and AK-47s. |
04:12 | Hotel Two-Six, you need to move to that location once Crazyhorse is done and get pictures. Over. |
04:20 | Six beacon gaia. |
04:24 | Sergeant Twenty is the location. |
04:28 | Hotel Two-Six; Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
04:31 | Oh, yeah, look at those dead bastards. |
04:36 | Nice. |
04:37 | Two-Six; Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
04:44 | Nice. |
04:47 | Good shoot. |
04:48 | Thank you. |
04:53 | Hotel Two-Six. |
04:55 | Hotel Two-Six; Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
05:03 | Crazyhorse One-Eight; Bushmaster Seven. Go ahead. |
05:06 | Bushmaster Seven; Crazyhorse One-Eight. Uh, location of bodies, Mike Bravo five-four-five-eight eight-six-one-seven [military map grid reference]. |
05:15 | Hey, good on the uh… |
05:17 | Five-four-five-eight eight-six-one-seven [map grid reference]. Over. |
05:21 | This is Crazyhorse One-Eight, that’s a good copy. They’re on a street in front of an open, uh, courtyard with a bunch of blue uh trucks, bunch of vehicles in the courtyard. |
05:30 | There’s one guy moving down there but he’s uh, he’s wounded. |
05:35 | All right, we’ll let ’em know so they can hurry up and get over here. |
05:40 | One-Eight, we also have one individual, uh, appears to be wounded trying to crawl away. |
05:49 | Roger, we’re gonna move down there. |
05:51 | Roger, we’ll cease fire. |
05:54 | Yeah, we won’t shoot anymore. |
06:01 | He’s getting up. |
06:02 | Maybe he has a weapon down in his hand? |
06:04 | No, I haven’t seen one yet. |
06:07 | I see you guys got that guy crawling right now on that curb. |
06:08 | Yeah, I got him. I put two rounds [30mm cannon shells] near him, and you guys were shooting over there too, so uh we’ll see. |
06:14 | Yeah, roger that. |
06:16 | Bushmaster Thirty-Six Element; this is uh Hotel Two-Seven over. |
06:21 | Hotel Two-Seven; Bushmaster Seven go ahead. |
06:24 | Roger I’m just trying to make sure you guys have my turf [area], over. |
06:31 | Roger we got your turf. |
06:33 | Come on, buddy. |
06:38 | All you gotta do is pick up a weapon. |
06:44 | Crazyhorse this is Bushmaster Five, Bushmaster Four break. We are right below you right time now can you walk us onto that location over. |
06:54 | This is Two-Six roger. I’ll pop flares [drop flares]. We also have one individual moving. We’re looking for weapons. If we see a weapon, we’re gonna engage. |
07:07 | Yeah Bushmaster, we have a van that’s approaching and picking up the bodies. |
07:14 | Where’s that van at? |
07:15 | Right down there by the bodies. |
07:16 | Okay, yeah. |
07:18 | Bushmaster; Crazyhorse. We have individuals going to the scene, looks like possibly uh picking up bodies and weapons. |
07:25 | Let me engage. |
07:28 | Can I shoot? |
07:31 | Roger. Break. Uh Crazyhorse One-Eight request permission to uh engage. |
07:36 | Picking up the wounded? |
07:38 | Yeah, we’re trying to get permission to engage. |
07:41 | Come on, let us shoot! |
07:44 | Bushmaster; Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
07:49 | They’re taking him. |
07:51 | Bushmaster; Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
07:56 | This is Bushmaster Seven, go ahead. |
07:59 | Roger. We have a black SUV-uh Bongo truck [van] picking up the bodies. Request permission to engage. |
08:02 | Fuck. |
08:06 | This is Bushmaster Seven, roger. This is Bushmaster Seven, roger. Engage. |
08:12 | One-Eight, engage. |
08:12 | Clear. |
08:13 | Come on! |
08:17 | Clear. |
08:20 | Clear. |
08:21 | We’re engaging. |
08:26 | Coming around. Clear. |
08:27 | Roger. Trying to uh… |
08:32 | Clear. |
08:35 | I hear ’em co.. I lost ’em in the dust. |
08:36 | I got ’em. |
08:41 | I’m firing. |
08:42 | This is Bushmaster Forty got any BDA [Battle Damage Assessment] on that truck. Over. |
08:44 | You’re clear. |
08:47 | This is ah Crazyhorse. Stand by. |
08:47 | I can’t shoot for some reason. |
08:49 | Go ahead. |
08:50 | I think the van’s disabled. |
08:53 | Go ahead and shoot it. |
08:54 | I got an azimuth limit for some reason [gunner moved gunsight too far] |
09:00 | Go left. |
09:03 | Clear left. |
09:15 | All right, Bushmaster Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
09:20 | A vehicle appears to be disabled. |
09:22 | There were approximately four to five individuals in vehicle moving bodies. |
09:28 | Your lead Bradley should take the next right. |
09:31 | That’s cruising east down the road. |
09:34 | No more shooting. |
09:38 | Crazyhorse; this is Bushmaster Four. We’re moving a dismounted element [troops] straight south through the Bradleys [tanks]. |
09:44 | I have your Elem- uh, Bradley element turning south down the road where the engagements were. |
09:53 | Last call on station’s uh Bradley element say again. |
09:56 | Roger this is Crazyhorse. |
09:58 | Your lead Bradley just turned south down the road where all the engagements [shooting] happened. |
10:03 | Should have a van in the middle of the road with about twelve to fifteen bodies. |
10:11 | Oh yeah, look at that. Right through the windshield! |
10:14 | Ha ha! |
10:16 | All right. There were uh approximately four to five individuals in that truck, so I’m counting about twelve to fifteen. |
10:24 | I would say that’s a fairly accurate assessment so far. |
10:27 | Roger that. |
10:29 | I want to just be advised Six, Bushmaster Six are getting mounted up right now. |
10:35 | Okay, roger. Hey, we can’t flex down that road towards that, uh, where Crazyhorse engaged. |
10:43 | So, uh, I don’t know if you want us to do so or stay put. Over. |
10:46 | Why can’t they go down there? |
10:56 | I think we whacked [killed] ’em all. |
10:58 | That’s right, good. |
10:59 | This is Hotel Two-Six. |
11:03 | Hey you got my dismounted element [troops] right there over to your left. |
11:06 | Roger, I see ’em. |
11:11 | Hey yeah, roger, be advised, there were some guys popping out with AKs behind that dirt pile break. |
11:19 | We also took some RPGs off, uh, earlier, so just uh make sure your men keep your eyes open. |
11:26 | Roger. |
11:27 | And, uh, Bushmaster ahead are, uh, Hotel Two-Six; Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
11:33 | Crazyhorse One-Eight; this is Hotel Two-Six. |
11:35 | Yeah Two-Six; Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
11:37 | Uh, location I have about twelve to fifteen dead bodies. |
11:42 | Uh, where else are we taking fire from? |
11:48 | Currently we’re not being engaged, ah, but just south of that location. Break. |
11:55 | You should see dismounted elements with Humvees [armored cars] moving to the east, over. |
12:01 | This is Crazyhorse One-Eight; we have elements in sight. |
12:05 | Bushmaster Three-Six. |
12:07 | I’m gonna get down a little lower. |
12:09 | All right. |
12:10 | I’m gonna come down a little lower and take a quick gander. |
12:13 | Roger that. |
12:14 | Six; this is four. We’re headed to the area where Crazyhorse engaged. |
12:26 | Bushmaster Six; this is Hotel Two-Six. |
12:28 | Request to go to the south to our original BP so if you flushed them to the south we will be there to uh intercept over. |
12:39 | Hey this is Bushmaster Seven; we’re coming up on B… on the ass end of the Brads [tanks]. |
12:54 | Hey uh, Bushmaster Element; this is Copperhead One-Six break. |
13:00 | We’re moving in the vicinity of the engagement area and looks like we’ve got some slight movement from ah, the ah van that was engaged. |
13:06 | Looks like a kid. Over. |
13:11 | This is Bushmaster Seven, roger. Uh, we’re about a hundred meters behind you. |
13:16 | Got that big pile, to the right? |
13:18 | Roger, you gonna pull in here? Do you want me to push stuff so you can, uh, get clear of it? |
13:21 | Right on the corner? |
13:22 | What’s that? |
13:23 | Got that big pile of bodies to the right, on the corner? |
13:24 | Yeah, right here. |
13:25 | We got a dismounted infantry and vehicles, over. |
13:30 | Again, roger. |
13:31 | And clear. |
13:48 | There’s the Bradley right there. |
13:51 | Got ’em. |
14:00 | Hotel two-six; are you uh at this grid over? |
14:05 | Yeah I wanted to get you around so didn’t you just get that one dude to scare them all away. It worked out pretty good. |
14:11 | I didn’t want those fuckers to run away and scatter. |
14:12 | Yeah. |
14:15 | Bushmaster Six; Hotel Two-Six. Roger, we linked up with our two element they are all mounted up in our trucks break. |
14:23 | We moved south so that we could ah possibly intercept personnel being flushed south. So we are vicinity Fifth Street. |
14:30 | And ah please line Gadins. Over. |
14:37 | Bring the trucks in, cordon this area off. |
14:39 | Can we move the Bradley forward so we can bring trucks in and cordon off this area. |
14:44 | If the Bradleys could take the south cordon, that could help out a lot. |
14:53 | Bushmaster or element. Which Element called in Crazyhorse to engage the eight-elem- eight-men team on top of a roof. |
15:02 | Bushmaster Six; this is Hotel Two-Six. Uh, I believe that was me. |
15:07 | They uh had AK-47s and were to our east, so, where we were taking small arms fire. Over. |
15:20 | Hotel Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
15:26 | Crazyhorse One-Eight; this is Hotel Two-Six. |
15:28 | Yeah Two-Six. One-Eight I just also wanted to make sure you knew that we had a guy with an RPG cropping round the corner getting ready to fire on your location. |
15:36 | That’s why we ah, requested permission to engage. |
15:40 | Ok, roger that. Tango mike. |
15:46 | Hotel Two-Six; do you understand me, over? |
15:51 | I did not copy last, uh, you got stepped on. Say again please? |
16:00 | They cordoned off the building that the helicopters killed the personnel on. |
16:04 | Don’t go anywhere else we need to cordon off that building so we can get on top of the roof and SSC the building. Over. |
16:13 | Hotel Two-Six; Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
16:16 | This is Hotel Two-Six. |
16:19 | Hey, whoever was talking about rooftops, know that all the personnel we engaged were ground level. I say again ground level. |
16:27 | Roger I copy ground level. Over. |
16:30 | One-Eight roger. |
16:33 | Can I get a grid to that one more time please? |
16:36 | Target twenty. |
16:36 | Roger. |
16:40 | You want me to take over talking to them? |
16:42 | S’alright. |
16:46 | Seven-Six Romeo Over. |
16:49 | Roger, I’ve got uh eleven Iraqi KIAs [Killed In Action]. One small child wounded. Over. |
16:57 | Roger. Ah damn. Oh well. |
17:04 | Roger, we need, we need a uh to evac [evacuate] this child. Ah, she’s got a uh, she’s got a wound to the belly. |
17:10 | I can’t do anything here. She needs to get evaced. Over. |
17:18 | Bushmaster Seven, Bushmaster Seven; this is Bushmaster Six Romeo. |
17:20 | We need your location over. |
17:25 | Roger, we’re at the location where Crazyhorse engaged the RPG fire break. |
17:37 | Grid five-four-five-eight. |
17:46 | Well it’s their fault for bringing their kids into a battle. |
17:48 | That’s right. |
17:56 | Got uh, eleven. |
18:01 | Yeah uh, roger. We’re monitoring [observing]. |
18:02 | Sorry. |
18:04 | No problem. |
18:07 | Correction eight-six-one-six. |
18:16 | Looking for more individuals-south. |
18:18 | Bushmaster Six-Bushmaster Seven. |
18:29 | I think they just drove over a body. |
18:31 | Hey hey! |
18:32 | Yeah! |
18:37 | Maybe it was just a visual illusion, but it looked like it. |
18:41 | Well, they’re dead, so. |
18:44 | Bushmaster Six; Hotel Two-Six over. |
18:56 | Six; this is Four. I got one individual looks like he’s got an RPG round laying underneath him. Break. |
19:05 | Probably like to get… |
19:10 | Look at that. |
19:12 | Bushmaster Six; Hotel Two-Six over. |
19:29 | Bushmaster Six; Romeo Hotel Two-Six over. |
19:44 | Bushmaster Six; Hotel Two-Six over. |
19:56 | Hotel Two-Six; Bushmaster Seven colocated with Six. |
20:08 | Hotel Two-Six; Bushmaster Seven. |
20:10 | Bushmaster Seven; Hotel Two-Six over. |
20:14 | Roger, we got a little girl who needs to be evaced. What’s your location over? |
20:22 | On route Gadins, I am all the way to the south. So I am Gadins and Fifth Street. |
20:28 | I say again Gadins and Fifth Street, over. |
20:40 | Bushmaster Seven; Hotel Two-Six. Do you want us to push to your location? |
20:55 | Hey, uh, I need to get the Brads to drop rads I got a wounded little girl we need to take her off the maya. |
21:04 | Bushmaster Seven; Hotel Two-Six. Do you want us to move to your location over? |
21:30 | Bushmaster Six; Hotel Two-Six over. |
21:34 | Hotel Two-Six; this is Bushmaster Seven. Roger, come to our location. |
21:39 | Okay, roger, we’re coming up north on Gadins and then we will push east to your location. |
22:06 | Bushmaster elements be advised we have friendlies coming from the south to your location. Over. |
22:13 | All right, got ’em moving up from the south. |
22:35 | Bushmaster elements be advised we are coming up from the east. |
23:49 | Hey One-Two; follow me over. I’m going to try and get out of here as quickly as possible. |
24:10 | You guys all right back there? |
24:13 | Yeah, we’re with you. |
24:35 | Lotta guys down there. |
24:37 | Oh yeah. |
24:37 | Came out of the woodwork. |
24:38 | This is Operation, ah, Operation Secure. |
25:16 | Yeah we have fifty rounds left. |
25:17 | Yep. |
25:19 | Two-Six; Six Romeo over. |
25:21 | Two-Six; Romeo over. |
25:23 | Hey roger, what’s your current location over? |
25:47 | Six; speak it’s Romeo. |
25:50 | Three-Six Romeo; Six Romeo over. |
25:52 | Roger, at the six once it’s back on this guy. |
25:56 | Lost him. |
26:00 | What’s he got for us? |
26:01 | Stand by. |
26:06 | Hotel Two-Six; Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
26:21 | Hey, did you got action on that target yet over? |
26:25 | Speak to Charlie roger. |
26:32 | Hotel Two-Six; Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
26:55 | Bushmaster Six; Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
26:59 | Roger, you have traffic over. |
27:02 | Roger. Uh, just wondering if you had anything else you wanted us to drive on? |
27:08 | Yeah roger keep on, ah, for the time being over. |
27:11 | Six calls Six Romeo. Can you tell battalion that two civilian children casualties are coming back to SMI in the Bradley over. |
27:26 | Six calls Six Romeo. |
27:29 | Bushmaster Six Copper White Six. |
27:32 | Copperhead White Six; this is Bushmaster Six Romeo over. |
27:36 | Roger, that’s a negative on the evac of the two, ah, civilian, ah, kids to, ah, rusty they’re going to have the IPs [Iraqi Police] link up. They can put us over here. Break. IPs will take them up to a local hospital over. |
27:50 | Copy over. |
27:54 | One six oh. |
28:08 | … they’re all going to. |
28:10 | Say again? |
28:12 | Where all those dismounts [infantry] are going to? |
28:18 | Going into this hous-. Sorry |
29:29 | Three Six, Three Six; Bushmaster Six Romeo over. |
29:37 | Six Romeo, Six Romeo. |
29:39 | Roger, Bushmaster Seven wants an up on all personnel in your battalion over. |
29:44 | Roger. |
30:08 | …friendlies [US troops] on the roof. |
30:10 | Crazyhorse One-Eight; this is Bushmaster Four over. |
30:12 | Bushmaster Four; this is Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
30:15 | Roger, I can ah hear small arms fire from your engagement area at two zero zero zero ah about three hundred meters from that objective over. |
30:27 | Crazyhorse; from what I understand small arms fire at two zero zero zero degrees about two hundred meters. |
30:39 | Just to the southwest. |
30:41 | Yup. |
30:49 | Right about where we engaged. |
30:51 | Yeah, One of them with that RPG or whatever. |
30:55 | He’s got a weapon. Got an RK–AK 47. |
30:58 | Hotel Two-Six; Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
31:02 | Gonna lose him. |
31:03 | Crazyhorse One-Eight this is Hotel Two-Six over. |
31:08 | Roger, have another individual with a weapon. |
31:10 | Dammit, they’re in the same building. |
31:12 | Hey roger that, just make sure that ah, you’re firing from west to east over. |
31:16 | Just went in the building. |
31:18 | Crazyhorse Three and Four will be on their way. |
31:21 | The individual walked into the building previously past grid [map reference]. So there’s at least six individuals in that building with weapons. |
31:30 | We can put a missile in it. |
31:31 | If you’d like, ah, Crazyhorse One-Eight could put a missile in that building. |
31:46 | It’s a triangle building. Appears to be ah, abandoned. |
31:51 | Yeah, looks like it’s under construction, abandoned. |
31:52 | Appears to be abandoned, under construction. |
31:56 | Uh, like I said, six individuals walked in there from our previous engagement. |
32:01 | Crazyhorse One-Eight; this is Bushmaster Six Romeo. If you’ve PIDed [Positively IDentified] the individuals in the building with weapons, go ahead and engage the building over. |
32:08 | Crazyhorse One-Eight; will be coming up north to south engaging with Hellfire [missiles]. |
32:13 | All right, I’m going to do manual. |
32:17 | All right, we’ve been cleared to engage with… |
32:18 | This is Bushmaster Six Romeo. Crazyhorse One Eight is going to be engaging north to south with Hellfire missiles over. |
32:24 | This is Hotel Two-Six. Roger. |
32:26 | All right, you ready? |
32:27 | No, I’m trying to get over to the November [target]. Trying to find the fucking… |
32:33 | This is Bushmaster Six. Has that RPG round been extended already or is it still live, over. |
32:38 | Looks live to me. |
32:40 | Let me know when you’re going to fire. |
32:44 | All right, I’m fucking having a brain fart. Where’s the man [manual] advancement? |
32:48 | You got one on the clutch on the bottom left on your left door. |
32:54 | Roger let me stand by. |
32:57 | Got it? |
32:59 | No. |
33:03 | All right. |
33:09 | Let me just put a kilo [Hellfire missile] in there. |
33:12 | Ok. |
33:15 | Got it? |
33:21 | Put a kilo in? |
33:22 | All right, let me get back. |
33:26 | I’m gonna come around, get some more distance. |
33:27 | Roger that, you’re clear. |
33:33 | Got more individuals in there. |
33:36 | You wanna hit from north to south or you wanna go from west to east? I don’t wanna fire with the friendlies [US forces] right there, you know. |
33:41 | Yeah, go north to south. |
33:53 | Right, come around, right. |
33:56 | I’m just gonna put one or two in, if they want any more. |
34:09 | Right. |
34:12 | Found the missile. |
34:15 | Roger, I’ll get you in this straight. |
34:16 | You’re clear. |
34:17 | I’m firing. |
34:26 | Target hit. |
34:28 | It was a missile. |
34:29 | Left. |
34:32 | You’re clear. I’m above you. |
34:36 | Crazyhorse One-Eight; was that explosion you engaging over? |
34:38 | Crazyhorse One Eight, roger. Engaging building with one hellfire. |
34:46 | Let’s come around and we’ll clear the smoke. We’ll fire one more. |
34:50 | Hey uh, we’re going to wait for the smoke to clear. |
34:52 | Yes Crazyhorse One Eight now. We’re going to put one more missile into the building. |
34:57 | Yeah, did it ah, go in the building? I see the wall knocked out of the way. |
34:59 | Yeah, it went in. |
35:01 | Bushmaster Six Romeo; this is Hotel Two-Six. Yeah roger, that was Crazyhorse engaging with one Hellfire over. |
35:10 | Yeah roger, I got a November [target] if you want. |
35:12 | Fire away. |
35:13 | You want us to fire? |
35:18 | You ready? |
35:19 | Yep. |
35:20 | Bushmaster Six Romeo. They are going to engage ah, with one more Hellfire in that building. |
35:24 | Uh shit, why I do I have AP flashing on there? [warning on helicopter display] |
35:47 | We’re not even going to watch this fucking shit? |
35:49 | Till next one. It won’t come around, I need a little more distance. |
35:53 | Still want me to shoot? |
35:57 | You guys, following hot. |
35:59 | Roger. |
36:13 | You are clear. |
36:14 | Roger. |
36:16 | You going to bring up the missile? |
36:18 | Roger. |
36:19 | And firing. |
36:20 | Come down? There you go. |
36:23 | Fire. |
36:24 | All right. |
36:28 | I’ve got, ah BACKSCATTER [warning on helicopter display]. |
36:30 | All right, come around. |
36:32 | Roger. |
36:34 | Coming around left, backscatter. |
36:49 | Firing. |
36:53 | There it goes! Look at that bitch go! |
36:56 | Patoosh! |
37:03 | Ah, sweet. |
37:07 | Need a little more room. |
37:09 | Nice missile. |
37:11 | Does it look good? |
37:12 | Sweet! |
37:16 | Uh, you ready? |
37:18 | Roger. |
37:30 | There’s a lot of dust. |
37:36 | Crazyhorse One-Eight; this is Hotel Two-Six. Was there a BDA [Battle Damage Assessment]? |
37:40 | This is Crazyhorse One-Eight. Stand by, engaging with another Hellfire. |
37:43 | All right. |
37:45 | You’re clear. |
37:47 | Lemme know when I’m clear. |
37:50 | Roger that. |
37:59 | He wasn’t. |
38:02 | Hotel Two-Six; Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
38:07 | Crazyhorse One-Eight. |
38:09 | Roger, building destroyed. Engaged with three hellfire missiles. |

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