Saturday, May 18, 2024
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We aspire to be neutral and apolitical in our news coverage of events and political gatherings. Our coverage of protest shows the humanist aspect of the story.

Illegal Logging in Styx River State Forest Must Stop

Giant tree felled in DoubleDuke State Forest
In the heart of the Northern Tablelands lies the majestic Styx River State Forest, a haven of biodiversity and natural splendor. Yet, this pristine...

Biodiversity Appreciation: Insights from the Community

NSW Biodiversity Awareness report
In the world of environmental conservation, understanding and valuing biodiversity is key to safeguarding our natural heritage. How does New South Wales fare in...

NSW Waits for New Biodiversity & Conservation Laws

Henry review of Biodiversity Act
The New South Wales Government is slow to act on calls for new environment laws in the Henry Independent Review of the Biodiversity Conservation...

Shepard Fairey’s iconic Obama ‘Hope’ Poster

Sheppard Fairey's Obama "Hope"
Despite the widespread reproduction of Shepard's iconic image, Shepard Fairey's iconic Obama 'Hope', only three original versions remain in existence. One of these originals...

Was Vivian Maier a spy?

Vivian Maier, age 25 in 1951, France. Photographer unknown.
Vivian Maier biographer Pamela Bannos tells the story of Maier's enthusiasm for her new camera being so noticeable that someone in the village speculated...

Susan Sontag vs. John Berger debate Storytelling

Susan Sontag photographed in her home 1979 ©Lynn Gilbert
In the realm of literary and cultural criticism, few debates have been as riveting and insightful as the dialogue between Susan Sontag and John...

MPs $64,000 question – Save Koalas or logging trucks

VicForests destruction of habitat trees. Photo: Victoria National Parks Association
Logging operations will go ahead in known Koala habitat within Kiwarrak State Forest, near Tinonee and Taree. Despite significant opposition from the local community,...

eSafety Cheers Government Age Assurance Trial

eSafety logo
In a bid to shield children from inappropriate online content, eSafety is enthusiastically embracing the Government's announcement of an age assurance trial. This trial...

Forestry Corp NSW forms a special police branch

Forestry Corporation protest
Forestry Corporation of NSW is forming a dedicated protester compliance squad, comprising four individuals, tasked with managing and strategising responses to potential native forest...

Hays Code, “Thou Shalt Not” by Whitey Schafer

"Thou Shalt Not" by Whitey Schafer
Schafer's 1940 photograph, "Thou Shalt Not," serves as a satirical commentary on the restrictive guidelines of the Hays Code. In this parody, Schafer ingeniously...